So I've already got the ball rolling on two more short animations. Just need to get the final VA lines and the animation work can begin. Since I've started my little animation hobby I've discovered that there are some aspects of putting together a animation that is quite difficult for me. These are aspects of animation I dread doing, right now it's all the preparation work like the script, voice acting, and sound effects.
So I wanted to ask you experienced animators out there... "What part of the animation process do you dread doing the most?"
I'm sure nobody cares but these are the projects I'm working on.
-Parody Evil
-Parody Man X
Oh and if you missed my animation last month you can check it out here:
Lip sync, very time consuming and boring part, at least for me.
I used to really hate doing Lip syncing myself until I got a extension called Keyframe Caddy. That made life loads easier and more fun.